
about dan



thai yoga

naturist yoga

















    Here are some other websites that you may find of interest.

    My Yoga Teachers

    • Yoga Synthesis - Raji Thron is one of the most well respected yoga teachers in the area. It was his Yoga Teacher's Training program that I took.
    • Masala Yoga - Ellen Pfeffer is by far my favorite yoga teacher. Her style is the epitome of an eclectic mix of yoga. She is very passionate in her practice and her love of yoga shows through in everything she does.

    Yoga Friends

    • Everything Yoga - Diane Cesa is another very passionate yogi and a good friend of mine. If you are ever out on Long Island try out her Thai Yoga Bodywork!
    • Robin Renee - You must hear Robin sing. Check out her website or come and see her in person!
    • Yoga Nidra by Marina Hoffman - Marina says, "Yoga Nidra is the integrative sleep of yogis - a unique combination of alert awareness and deepest relaxation." When I experienced Yoga Nidra with her it was indeed a very pleasant experience.

    Yoga Magazines

    • Yoga Journal - The main magazine of yoga, they even have a directory to find local yoga teachers. Highly Recommended

    Finding Yoga Near You

    • Yoga Finder - A really good list of yoga events and classes.
    • International Centers Yoga Directory - Yoga directory listings sorted by Country. Your Guide to Yoga Centers, classes, teachers, certificates, programs, retreats, and Yoga Associations.

    Naturism & Body/Self Acceptance

    Other Links

      On the next page are links to some of my friends, students and others that have been kind enough to link back to me.